Patient with all RF and no known disease
Bobby is a 48-year-old stock trader. He has had type 2 diabetes for four years. He reports he will worry about his diabetes when he has more time. He was diagnosed when he had to get a physical for life insurance. In fact, he regrets getting the physical as he ultimately was not granted the policy. He finds his job stressful but loves the intensity.
Bobby commutes from Delaware to New York City every Sunday for his job and returns Friday nights. Because he is not home with his family during the week, he eats out often and loves the street food of the Big Apple. He admits that most nights he will have a fourth meal because he has a hard time winding down to go to sleep.
He has some meds but admits that he does not take them all of the time as he loses his edge and needs to be laser-focused at work. He was diagnosed with sleep apnea two years ago when he went on a family vacation. He got a CPAP but wakes up most mornings with the CPAP on the floor. He has gained 12 lbs. since he took this job.
Past Medical History: T2DM 2015, mixed hyperlipidemia 2015, hypertension 2015, NAFLD 2015, obstructive sleep apnea 2018, DJD knees 2018.
Medications: Did not bring them.
Allergies: NKDA
Social History: Stock market trader, commercial insurance. He is married and has one child and has a grandchild on the way. He smokes cigars on weekends and drinks a six-pack of beer each weekend to unwind. No current physical activity.
Exam: BMI 38.5 kg/m2, 5 ft. 10 inches,
268 lbs., BP 156/84, P 92, R 18
General: Obese, truncal obesity
eGFR = 120 ml/min
Cr 0.9
HbA1c = 9.8%
Lipids: total cholesterol 266, HDL-C 28, TG 480, LDL-C not calculated.
Urine albumin/creatinine ratio: 30mg/g